Searching for a NEW Chocolate Snack Bar Flavour

We have an exciting new range of snack bar flavours coming early next year, and we wanted you, our wonderful chocolate loving people to have the chance to become a chocolate connoisseur and help us on a quest for a fun new flavour for our 35g snack bars!

To enter this fab competition you simply leave a comment of your suggested fun flavoured bar on the competition post on our Facebook, Instagram or Twitter pages. If you’re subscribed to receive our email newsletters, you can enter the chocolate competition by following the link on the competition email and filling out the form. You may make as many entries as you wish by suggesting different bar flavours. The winner will be selected by the Gnaw Chocolate team based on which flavour they think would be the best addition to our range. 

After over 1,500 weird, wonderful, and verging on insane entries! Our new bar flavour competition is now officially closed. The decision is now in the hands of our NPD squirrels to choose their favourites and do a lot of chocolate tasting to decide on the winning bar flavour. We don't want to give any hints as to which could be early contenders so we will keep that hush hush. 

The winner will be notified either by email or social media (depending on entry method) on Monday 5th September 2022. The prize must be claimed by Wednesday 31st August 2022 by responding to our contact. If contact cannot be made with the winner after several attempts an alternative winner will be selected and contacted.

So keep those squirrel eyes and ears to the ground and watch out for an announcement then!